
Who or What is “Montessori”?

Maria Montessori was born in Chiaraville, Italy, on August 31, 1870. In 1894, she became the first woman to graduate in Medicine from the University of Rome. She began the study of educational problems of handicapped children in 1899. Her scientific observation of the interaction among the young children, their phases of learning, and the role of specially designed materials led to astonishing results in educating the underprivileged children. She continued to practice her learning method that allowed children to explore, observe, and grow through their own experiences. Through consistent and successful results, she proved that such methods develop and set free their personality in a marvelous and surprising way.

Today, her principles of education are popular all across the globe. Her method of education is not only being applied throughout the United States but in all the six continents.

What is “The Montessori Method”?

The Montessori Method, founded by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a proven educational method for children that emphasizes the ways in which the absorbent minds of young children learn—at their own pace—by adapting to the prepared environment and from their own experiences by exploring, observing, and discovering the environment.

The role of a teacher—often called a director or directress—is to provide the appropriate environment so that children can work to perfect themselves using the environment as the means. A teacher stands ready to provide the guidance and support to bring the very best in children. The method teaches adults to respect the individual differences and focuses on developing the whole personality rather than teaching specific contents of an academic curriculum.  The materials provided by the environment play a significant part. They help children explore, learn, and play with them enthusiastically. The specially designed materials work as catalyst in their learning process. The Montessori Method of education is effective in serving the needs of children of all levels of mental and physical ability. Children live and learn in a natural mixed-age group environment which mirrors how they will live in as adults.

What is “The Montessori Method”?

The Montessori Method, founded by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a proven educational method for children that emphasizes the ways in which the absorbent minds of young children learn—at their own pace—by adapting to the prepared environment and from their own experiences by exploring, observing, and discovering the environment.

The role of a teacher—often called a director or directress—is to provide the appropriate environment so that children can work to perfect themselves using the environment as the means. A teacher stands ready to provide the guidance and support to bring the very best in children. The method teaches adults to respect the individual differences and focuses on developing the whole personality rather than teaching specific contents of an academic curriculum.  The materials provided by the environment play a significant part. They help children explore, learn, and play with them enthusiastically. The specially designed materials work as catalyst in their learning process. The Montessori Method of education is effective in serving the needs of children of all levels of mental and physical ability. Children live and learn in a natural mixed-age group environment which mirrors how they will live in as adults.

The exercises of practical life are the foundation upon which the Montessori Method is based. These activities stress control of movement, hand and eye coordination, and the development of attention span and concentration.
Sensorial materials help children refine and explore each of their senses to prepare them developmentally, intellectually, and socially.
Language, both spoken and written, is emphasized in our curriculum to promote linguistic growth. This includes the teaching of foreign languages, sign language, and body language.
The different areas of science and geography are incorporated into the curriculum to give children a well-rounded perspective on the world and let their curiosity lead them deeper into topics they find interesting.
Mathematics is broken down into five categories from most basic to most difficult, giving children an in-depth view into the different areas of math.
To augmenting linguistic skills, Spanish is integrated in the curriculum. This promotes development and expands horizons for the children. It also prepares them for future success.
Daily individual art activities complement academic activities to help stimulate children in all areas of development.
Group time is a wonderful time for songs, finger-plays, music, and movement games. Yoga is introduced with music and games, providing a fun and relaxing activity that develops gross motor skills.
Plant care allows children to learn about nature and teaches them to be responsible for other living creatures.
Children and adults alike can benefit from Yoga to help them learn the art of balance, focus, and increased flexibility.

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